Following the construction of ClearPEM, a second imaging system has been constructed. This project has been realised in the framework of CERIMED with essential contributions from researchers of Crystal Clear. ClearPEM-Sonic is combining metabolic morphologic and structural information into a multimodal PEM-US imaging technology: an ultrasound scanner of the next generation (SuperSonic Imagine Aixplorer) capable of quantitatively mapping the elastic properties of the tissues will be installed under the table to complementing the functional information provided by the ClearPEM with morphologic and structural information about the lesions
ClearPEM Sonic is an international and multidisciplinary project that groups the following partners, including two companies in France and Portugal:
- The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), an intergovernmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland
- The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium
- The Laboratório de Instrumentacão e Física Experimantal de Partículas (LIP), Lisob, Portugal
- The Université de la Mediterranée (Aix-Marseille II), Marseilles, France
- Assistance-Publique-Hopitaux de Marseille (AP/HM), Marseilles, France
- Institut Paoli – Calmettes (IPC), Marseilles, France
- Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique (LMA), CNRS, Marseilles, France
- The Universita degli studii di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
- The Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium
- Supersonic Imagine, Aix-en-Provence, France
- PETsys-Medical PET Imaging Systems S.A, Oeiras, Portugal.
The ClearPEM Sonic is installed at the University Hospital of Marseille for clinical trials since December 2011.
Breast contention
- Patient does not change position during the whole exam
- Breast should not move during the whole exam
Mechanical integration
- Imaging of any ROI possible with both modalities
- Modalities deform the breast the least possible
- No interference with the respective other modality
- User-friendly
Image Fusion
Images from both modalities must be fused with sufficient precision.
SuperSonic Imagine Aixplorer- US SYSTEM PRESENTATION
- Real-time ShearWave™ elastography: a unique technology to quantify elastic properties of tissues.
- 3D imaging with a conventional high frequency 3D mechanical linear probe for superficial application
- Acquisition of a 40*40*40mm^3 volume in less than 20s with high resolution B-mode and 3D SWE information
- Voxel size 100µm*100µm*75µm
- Provides important information for breast tumour diagnosis and follow-up: morphology size, shape and volume, acoustic signature and vascularisation, local and global elasticity.
To view more photos on PEMSONIC please click here